akhir2 ini stelah lulus kegiatanku sehari2 jd nonton korea..
hehe,, Princess Hours okehh....
keren bgt,, lucu, nyebelin tp sedihh..
& bikin berandai2 jg..
nihh.. pikirr.. kamu seorang cewek biasa..
keadaan ekonomi keluargamu pas2an..
tp kamu sekolah d skull elite gt..
bahkan d sekolah kamu ada 2 pangeran yg skull dsana..
mreka okehh,, pulang & pergi slalu dijaga body guard..
menghindari tangan2 jahil yang siap ngapa2in.. hehe..
banyak orang sukaa bgt ma mreka..
tp mreka berdua malah suka sama kamu..
"how lucky r u??" hehe..
yahh,, suka ma orang emang ga terbatas
apakah dy "Prince" ato "beggar" sihh yaa..
tp kerem ajahh... hehehe..
lalu.. kebiasaanku klo nonton korea itu:
berandai2 msk dlm film..
& aku byasa lbh milih coo yg bukan pemeran utamanya..
yahh.. film korea akhi2 ini kan byasa critanya mirip..
A = pemeran utama.
B = coo yg akhirnya jd soulmate si pemeran utama.
C = coo yg suka ma pemeran utama, tp pemeran utama tak suka padanya.
D = ceweq, suka ma pemeran utama coo (B).
umumnya crita:
si B adalah coo yang sangat amat menyebalkan, kasar & sombong..
sedangkan si C adalah coo manis yg sangat amat baik hati, lemah lembut, baik tutur kata maupun budi bahasa, suka menolong, rela berkorban serta baikk sekalii....
si C suka si A, tp si A malah suka si B, yang jelas2 sering bgt nyakitin hatinya, bikin dy nangis, dll.. beda bgt ma si C yg baik slalu & rela ngapain aj buat dy..
tp emang hatinya cuma buat si B & ga bisa nrima si C, sebaik apapun dy..
ahh.. takdir yang menyakitkan yahh.. sedihh skalii...
klo si D mahh,, cuma jd penghalang antara si A & B.. hehe..
jadii.... byasa saya senderung suka ma si C.. hehe..
tp ternyata ada ajahh yakk kasus kya gt dlm hidup..
kadang ada orang yg baikkkk bgt yg rela ngapain aj buat kita yg suka ma kita..
tp kita malah suka ma orang lain yg cuek, sombong & bikin bt..
saya sudah beberapa kali menemukan lowh kasus macam ini..
kasihann skaliii.... hixhixhix....
ahh.... takdir memang kejam....
kasihan kan si C..
btw, knapa tiba2 saya jd drama fever bginiiii...
hehe,, melankolis skalii.... --> padahal test kepribadian saya mengatakan saya 1/2 sanguinis & 1/2 melankolis.. hehe..
Monday, June 26, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
few years ago.. my friend had told me about this story..
he tell me more about the love means..
and now,, i have read this story again..
here is,, :)
one day a gal asked:
why do you like me..?
why do you love me..?
HE answered:
i can't tell the reason.. but i really
like you..
SHE: you can't even tell me the
reason.. how can you say you like me?
how can you say you love me?
HE: i really don't know the reason, but i
can prove that i love you.
SHE: proof? no! i want you to tell me
the reason. my friend's boyfriend can tell
her why he loves her but not you!
HE: ok..ok!! ermmss..
because you are beautiful,
because your voice is sweet,
because you are caring,
because you are loving,
because you are thoughtful,
because of your smile,
because of your every movements.
the gal felt very satisfied with his
unfortunately, a few days later, the gal
met with an accident and became
comma. HE then placed a letter by
her side, and here is the content:
because of your sweet voice that I love
now can you talk? no! therefore i cannot
love you.
because of your care and concern that i
like you..
now that you cannot show them,
therefore i cannot love you.
because of your smile,
because of your every movements that i
love you..
now can you smile? now can you move?
no, therefore i cannot love you...
if love needs a reason, like now, there is
no reason for me to love you anymore.
do love need a reason? NO!
therefore, i still love you...
and love doesn't need a reason
"sometimes the best and the most
beautiful things in the world cannot be
seen, cannot be touched, but can be felt
in the heart"
love doesn't need a reason... its something
you can feel burning inside your heart and
waiting to be explode of love...
please.. never ever ask someone why do
they love u.. love is nature and without
love the world is nothing but a piece of
crap.. so everyone love the world and
also love ur loved ones...
he tell me more about the love means..
and now,, i have read this story again..
here is,, :)
one day a gal asked:
why do you like me..?
why do you love me..?
HE answered:
i can't tell the reason.. but i really
like you..
SHE: you can't even tell me the
reason.. how can you say you like me?
how can you say you love me?
HE: i really don't know the reason, but i
can prove that i love you.
SHE: proof? no! i want you to tell me
the reason. my friend's boyfriend can tell
her why he loves her but not you!
HE: ok..ok!! ermmss..
because you are beautiful,
because your voice is sweet,
because you are caring,
because you are loving,
because you are thoughtful,
because of your smile,
because of your every movements.
the gal felt very satisfied with his
unfortunately, a few days later, the gal
met with an accident and became
comma. HE then placed a letter by
her side, and here is the content:
because of your sweet voice that I love
now can you talk? no! therefore i cannot
love you.
because of your care and concern that i
like you..
now that you cannot show them,
therefore i cannot love you.
because of your smile,
because of your every movements that i
love you..
now can you smile? now can you move?
no, therefore i cannot love you...
if love needs a reason, like now, there is
no reason for me to love you anymore.
do love need a reason? NO!
therefore, i still love you...
and love doesn't need a reason
"sometimes the best and the most
beautiful things in the world cannot be
seen, cannot be touched, but can be felt
in the heart"
love doesn't need a reason... its something
you can feel burning inside your heart and
waiting to be explode of love...
please.. never ever ask someone why do
they love u.. love is nature and without
love the world is nothing but a piece of
crap.. so everyone love the world and
also love ur loved ones...
Friday, June 09, 2006
ahhh.. akhirnya...
blogging lagi stelah sekian lama..
uhm,, crita2 ttg kmrn..
2 hr lalu.. Andi sms..
mengajak pergi hr kmiz kmrn..
ma Bryant, Tian, Citra & Andi jg tentunya..
yasudah saya stuju..
tp bingung tak ada yg mengantar,,
ehh Andi menawarkan diri menjemput..
stelah dipikir2 jauhh bgt,, kasihan Andii..
jd kluarga saya berpikir utk pergi jg..
ehh adikk saya blum slese bljr ujian..
yahh sudahh.. saya di-drop sajahh..
lalu,, jalan macetttt bgt..
d tomang ntuu,,
akhirny ud rada2 ngabisin waktu d jln..
ternyata bole msk jalur busway,,
masuklah mobil kami k jalur busway..
hehe,, serasa jalanan punya nenek moyangku,,
tak lama kemudian nyampe d..
ehh Andi & Citra blum datenk..
akhirny saya bertemu Bryant,,
berjalan2 + nemenin Bryant makan..
kira2 1 jam d..
lalu Citra & Andi nyampe..
Andi ma Bryant tu.. iseng bgt..
ngerjain Citra..
bilangny cuma mreka b'3 ma 1 anak cw tmen mreka..
mreka mengarang 1 nama: Irena.. haha..
kta Bryant: Natalie..
haha.... ampe lupa ma nama karangan ndiri,,
tp dket2 TA,, Andi bilang,, klo sbnerny dy bkn Irena..
Citra ud serem gt dikira sapa.. hehe,,
ternyata... gw,, hehe,,
gw kaget sii,, kta Andi jgn bilang2 Citra dy ngajak gw..
gw kira mo ada surprise ato apaan..
yahhudahh gw ga bilang2 d...
walopun sblum pergi masih ada tlp2 ma Citra..
ohhya.. Tian tak jd ikutt krn ada urusan..
stelah ituu,, makan sushi..
gagal sudah rencana main ice skating..
yahh... emang sudah kodrat alam sepertinya..
tak apa jg lahh..
tohh saya jg tak bisa.. hehe,,
lalu k starbucks,,
ehh yg jaga starbucksnya mirip Tian..
walopun gw blom pernah jg liat Tian..
br liat potony yg ga jls..
hehe,, tebakan gw bner,, ;p
stelah itu minum green tea,, ahh saya sukaa.... :p
uhm,, biz ntu pulang,,
kira2 jam 12 nyampe rmh,,
hahh... tak enak ma Bryant & Andi..
krn mreka pasti pulang lbh malem pastiiny..
gw sihh tak apa krn sudah bilang,,
uhm,, gt d ttg kmrn..
senang koq,,
stelah bosan d rmh akhirny kluar rmh jg..
btw, bentar lg mo gath forum nihh..
tp masih binun.. hihi.. :D
blogging lagi stelah sekian lama..
uhm,, crita2 ttg kmrn..
2 hr lalu.. Andi sms..
mengajak pergi hr kmiz kmrn..
ma Bryant, Tian, Citra & Andi jg tentunya..
yasudah saya stuju..
tp bingung tak ada yg mengantar,,
ehh Andi menawarkan diri menjemput..
stelah dipikir2 jauhh bgt,, kasihan Andii..
jd kluarga saya berpikir utk pergi jg..
ehh adikk saya blum slese bljr ujian..
yahh sudahh.. saya di-drop sajahh..
lalu,, jalan macetttt bgt..
d tomang ntuu,,
akhirny ud rada2 ngabisin waktu d jln..
ternyata bole msk jalur busway,,
masuklah mobil kami k jalur busway..
hehe,, serasa jalanan punya nenek moyangku,,
tak lama kemudian nyampe d..
ehh Andi & Citra blum datenk..
akhirny saya bertemu Bryant,,
berjalan2 + nemenin Bryant makan..
kira2 1 jam d..
lalu Citra & Andi nyampe..
Andi ma Bryant tu.. iseng bgt..
ngerjain Citra..
bilangny cuma mreka b'3 ma 1 anak cw tmen mreka..
mreka mengarang 1 nama: Irena.. haha..
kta Bryant: Natalie..
haha.... ampe lupa ma nama karangan ndiri,,
tp dket2 TA,, Andi bilang,, klo sbnerny dy bkn Irena..
Citra ud serem gt dikira sapa.. hehe,,
ternyata... gw,, hehe,,
gw kaget sii,, kta Andi jgn bilang2 Citra dy ngajak gw..
gw kira mo ada surprise ato apaan..
yahhudahh gw ga bilang2 d...
walopun sblum pergi masih ada tlp2 ma Citra..
ohhya.. Tian tak jd ikutt krn ada urusan..
stelah ituu,, makan sushi..
gagal sudah rencana main ice skating..
yahh... emang sudah kodrat alam sepertinya..
tak apa jg lahh..
tohh saya jg tak bisa.. hehe,,
lalu k starbucks,,
ehh yg jaga starbucksnya mirip Tian..
walopun gw blom pernah jg liat Tian..
br liat potony yg ga jls..
hehe,, tebakan gw bner,, ;p
stelah itu minum green tea,, ahh saya sukaa.... :p
uhm,, biz ntu pulang,,
kira2 jam 12 nyampe rmh,,
hahh... tak enak ma Bryant & Andi..
krn mreka pasti pulang lbh malem pastiiny..
gw sihh tak apa krn sudah bilang,,
uhm,, gt d ttg kmrn..
senang koq,,
stelah bosan d rmh akhirny kluar rmh jg..
btw, bentar lg mo gath forum nihh..
tp masih binun.. hihi.. :D
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