Friday, March 03, 2006

almost.. 2 hours later..
my deskmate..
Raymond'll celebrate his 18th birthday..
he has already wait for that day for a long time.
"Happy birthday 'Mon.."
and 30 hours later..
i'll go to Atmajaya University to be tested..
iq + characteristic test and also english..
God.. i wish i'll pass it in the 1st rank..
i won't be a 'troublemaker' maybe..
bcoz, actually it'll make my parents feel easier..
ehm.. to pay all..
me and also my 2 sisters..
they'll enter to the next step too..
junior high school and high school later..
i must prepare it later..
i'll survive.. ;)


teguh said...

cieee... lagi belajar inggris jadi nulisnya pake inggris.... :kribo:

Jessica Claudia said...

heloww.. ngga sii.. isenk aj.. ^^
uhm.. skrg jg gw lg nyari.. bedany descriptive ma information report..
aduhh.... doakan y atma gw dpt rank 1.. ;)

Anonymous said...

adik gua juga minggu kemaren tes di atma jes... barengan dong yah hehehe.
moga2 keterima yach tesnya ;)

Jessica Claudia said...

makasihh ko2 Hans.. ;)
oo.. dd'ny ko2 Hans seumuranku jg yahh? ngambil apaan? klo akunt sama dgnku dunx.. ;)

Why would I even Consider Thinking of Self-Upgrading?

Pernahkah kalian berpikir "Kenapa ya gw kok segini2 aja? Udah kerja sekian tahun disini tapi ya begini2 aja, there is not much differen...